What is MAS Incontro?

We aim to answer all your questions below. Still unsure of something? Contact us and we’ll do our best to send a quick response.

What do we do?

Above all, we fence! 

We enjoy training, improving, and fencing each other during our weekly sessions.

Training sessions are held every Thursday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm in the sports hall at the UM Sports center. This session includes beginner training as well as advanced training.

There exist 3 fencing categories, each with their own weapon and set of rules. MAS Incontro provides coaching and equipment for all 3 in our training sessions.

In order to join you’ll need our MAS Incontro club membership and UM Sports sport membership. The club membership covers everything including borrowed equipment and the coaching. 

Make sure you also bring water and a towel to each session.

Training sessions for advanced fencers are usually composed of the following elements:

  • Warm-up and stretches
  • Physical conditioning
  • Technical training (footwork, bladework, technique)
  • Casual fencing bouts
  • Cool-down routine
The Beginner’s course

The beginner’s course takes place alongside the regular training at teh begining of each semester. It lasts 7 or 8 sessions and covers everything you need to start your fencing career. Equipment, rules, technique, stance, etiquette, our coaches will show you the ropes and you’ll be part of the advanced group in no time.

As mentioned above, the training and equipment is covered by the club membership.


Competitions are a held on a weekly basis all over the Netherlands and neighboring countries. While competitions can vary in difficulty, each and every one is the ultimate test of the fencing skills you have acquired. Competitions are also the fastest way to improve, and a great way to get to know other fencers from outside Maastricht. 

There are 2 types of competition, individual or team oriented. The general idea in competitions is that you fence several other fencers and compete with them to take home a medal. 

Each year MAS Incontro hosts its own competition, the Maastricht Intercity. It’s a fun competition that fencers of all levels should enjoy.

Community events

The association likes to organise events throughout the year for members to enjoy. Keep an eye on our Facebook page to see what’s coming up.

Also keep an eye on Musst’s Facebook as they often invite all student athletes to their events as well.

Extra training

While there’s no obligation to come to any session, it’s clear that, for some, one training session a week just isn’t enough. We are lucky therefore to be partners of the citizen club in Maastricht: La Rapière. It’s possible to join their sessions just as it is possible for them to join ours.